Trade top cryptocurrencies with up to 30x leverage directly from a personal wallet Lately cash as a whole has experienced extraordinary development. Perhaps one of the most recent and remarkable advancements in the field of development is cash. To trade this type of advanced cash around former exchanges, some of which are Tied together, some Decentralized and some Cream. This large amount of exchange has its potential gains and losses as far as Juridical status, Asset Control, Strength, Beneficiality, and Security. Metavault.Trade is an exchange platform that provides a decentralized crypto exchange service designed with various crypto features. Metavault.Trade provides spot & perpetual exchange services that allow users to trade with leverage up to 30x and directly from their personal wallet. Metavault.Trade is an innovative decentralized exchange platform because it provides a spot & perpetual exchange service where users can trade safely and easily without going throu...