
Tunjukkan catatan dari Januari, 2020


PROMETHEUS a functional prototype product that enables quick and easy database integration The Prometheus platform allows integration between parts of business processes and blockchain technology. We have created a fully functional MVP, which will be the basis for our platform. This allows users to connect to the database through a few clicks, select tables and columns to transfer to the blockchain, select the type of blockchain (Prometheus, Ethereum, Cardano, Stellar ...) and choose whether the action will be performed only once or repeatedly. The reverse process can also be carried out to move data from the blockchain to the database. Users can transfer the desired part of their business to the blockchain. Prometheus wants to help with the application of blockchain technology. Developing a blockchain for a particular business can be very extensive and time consuming. PROMETHEUS The Prometheus platform already has a functional prototype product that allows database integrati...


IRC ARC The cryptocurrency mining industry was revolutionary and extraordinary in the years of launching Bitcoin in 2009 A bundle of greetings for everyone.  The world is changing day by day and we have felt the effects of global warming in recent years.  It's hard to ignore the fact that our world is now on the verge of an environmental disaster.  As much as we do not want to deny this, our world needs qualitative changes to reduce the amount of emissions to the atmosphere and waste from human activities.  But so far there must be many countries but they must think about it.  Some business and development areas do not have good alternatives to continue their activities in a more ecological direction. Problems That Affect the Future of the World In fact, some people know and understand that large amounts of electricity are used to produce bitcoin.  In total for one year, it exceeds the volume of energy consumption throughout the country.  Like...


ARC IRIS Industri pertambangan cryptocurrency  revolusioner dan luar biasa dalam tahun-tahun  peluncuran Bitcoin pada tahun 2009 Setumpuk salam untuk semua orang. Dunia berubah dari hari ke hari dan kami telah merasakan efek pemanasan global dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Sulit untuk mengabaikan kenyataan bahwa dunia kita sekarang berada di ambang bencana lingkungan. Sebanyak yang kita tidak ingin menyangkal ini, dunia kita membutuhkan perubahan kualitatif untuk mengurangi jumlah emisi ke atmosfer dan limbah dari kegiatan manusia. Tapi sejauh ini pasti ada banyak negara tetapi pasti memikirkannya. Beberapa area bisnis dan pengembangan tidak memiliki alternatif yang baik untuk melanjutkan kegiatan mereka ke arah yang lebih ekologis. Masalah yang Mempengaruhi Masa Depan Dunia Bahkan, beberapa orang tahu dan mengerti bahwa sejumlah besar listrik digunakan untuk menghasilkan bitcoin. Secara total selama satu tahun, itu melebihi volume konsumsi ...